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Crimson Rose 2

  Table of Contents


  Also by


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight


  Internet Links


  Crimson Rose – Part Two

  is a work of fiction.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2020 Scott Kujawa. All Rights Reserved.

  Cover Design: Lynn Veevers of Storied Graphics.

  Editing: Pair of Nines.

  Version 1.0

  Also by Scott Kujawa

  Dyalessia Games

  Alexandria & Christie

  Bess & Mira

  Melody & Sarah

  Alexandria & Christie 2.0

  Dyalessia Friends

  Elly & Kitty

  Heather & Sasha

  Bastet's Daughters Prequel

  The Event

  Bastet's Daughters




  Bastet's Daughters: Acinonyx

  The Acinonyx

  Rainy Days




  Elly's Tales

  Elly of Ellyville

  Elly of Ellyville Returns

  Bastet's Daughters Shorts

  Samantha Redding

  Cleo & Petra (Part One)

  Cleo & Petra (Part Two)

  Cleo & Petra (Part Three)

  Crimson Rose

  Part One

  Part Two

  Boxed Sets

  Dyalessia Games Trilogy

  Bastet's Daughters Trilogy

  Rainy Days Trilogy



  To those in the Scene.

  And those willing to

  take a chance on an

  self-published author.

  Chapter On


  May stared at the crimson rose resting on her desk. She found it laying in the middle of her desk inside her office when she returned from getting a chicken salad from the diner. Holding the container her salad was stored in, May stood before her desk while she wondered how Catherine entered the building where May opened her accounting business.

  The sneaky woman must have been waiting nearby for May to leave before Catherine placed the surprise for May to find. Living in the small town, May left her office unlocked when she stepped out for lunch. May hoped it was Catherine who was the one to do this. If it was someone else from Crimson Rose, May wasn't sure how she'd react. After moving behind her desk, May set her lunch off to the side as she sat.

  Reaching out, she picked up the red rose and inhaled the powerful aroma. As she did, May remembered the smells of the red roses growing and climbing along the front entrance of the club outside the small town where she lived and worked. Smelling the aroma wafting from the rose, May was sure this one came from outside Crimson Rose. Smelling this one further added to her belief it was Catherine who surprised May with the gift.

  Setting the rose off to the other side of her desk, May slid the folded piece of paper left under the rose towards her. Flipping it open, May smiled as she read the short passage written inside.

  “Come to Crimson Rose tonight? Your Mistress wants to spend time with her submissive.”

  May shook her head, making her red-blond hair move across her shoulders and around her head. She wasn't used to the shorter style she received after stepping into the salon after neglecting getting her hair cut for so long, but keeping her hair short was something she wanted. This way she didn't have to remember to get it cut each month when the clients she couldn't turn away from her accounting business took so much of her time.

  After hunting around her office for a container to place the rose into, May filled the slim bottle with water and stuck the surprise gift into it. Setting it off to the side of her desk, May pulled her salad away from where she placed it. While she enjoyed what she ate, May thought about her reply and if she wanted to visit the club during the middle of the week.

  She still didn't have an answer when she finished her lunch. Sitting back in her comfortable office chair, May shuffled the files she left open on her desk. It was still a busy time for getting the numbers aligned for her clients, but taking a night off from worrying about getting their facts and figures organized could be something May neglected for a few hours.

  Grabbing her cell phone, May hurried through writing the text she wanted to send. A wide smile spread over her features as she finished and sent her agreement to meet Catherine at Crimson Rose once May finished her work and left her business for the day. Before she returned to handling the current file open before her, May shook her head again as her phone chimed with an incoming text.

  Talking to herself since she was alone, May said, “Mistress must have been waiting for my answer. Or she's neglecting her work, which is not something she should be doing.” After she read Catherine's text, May set her phone off to the side of her desk. With plans made for later tonight, May wanted to complete as much of the client information she could before heading to Crimson Rose.

  When May found a moment where she had time to answer Catherine, she whipped off a quick text. “Is my Mistress neglecting her work? Should I speak with Mistress Briana about how her submissive needs to be punished?” May smirked at her cell phone before she returned to the numbers which frustrated her because they weren't coming together the way she thought they should. Was there something her client forgot to give her to make the numbers match. Adding a sticky note to the file, May left it on the file to remind herself to ask the next time she spoke with the client.

  Hearing the chime come from her phone again, May grinned as she read Catherine's text.

  “I think you're the one who needs to be punished for threatening to tattle on me to Mistress Briana. I have a bratty submissive. One who needs to be punished and taught how it's not nice to tease her Mistress. I might have to change the plans I thought about tonight.”

  Laughing, May filled her office with her amusement. While she finished her salad, May worked on different forms for another client while she thought about how to reply to the current text.

  “I don't know. I might like to see how you'd punish your bratty submissive. If she wants to experience it, is it still a punishment?” May set her phone on the desk, keeping it close after she dumped the remains of her lunch into the garbage can and concentrated on her work. She ignored the new text Catherine sent until the numbers she added to the client's paperwork was completed and added together the way she expected.

  “It still is a punishment. I'd hope any bratty submissive enjoys their punishment. Otherwise, what's the point of having a play session?”

  May glanced at the rose again before she turned her attention to the screen. “You have a good point. However, if you want me to meet you in a few hours, I have to get through this paperwork. Besides, I wasn't lying when I asked if you didn't have work to do. Before I forget, thank you for the rose. It was a nice surprise.”

  “You're welcome, May-Flower. All right, I'll leave you alone. Go enjoy working with your numbers. I can't wait to see you tonight. Maybe you'll wear the boots, skirt, and top you've worn each time you've come to Crimson Rose?”

  May grinned, thinking of another answer she wanted to send to tease Catherine. Running her fingers over
the digital keyboard, May added, “All right. It's not like I have a better choice. I suppose this might be something the two of us need to fix. I can't keep wearing the same outfit to Crimson Rose each time I visit.”

  Returning to the paperwork on her desk, May waited for her phone to chime again. When it did, she grabbed her cell phone and grinned as she read Catherine's new text.

  “I'd love to go clothing shopping with May-Flower. We'll find clothing which makes everyone notice how beautiful my submissive is. Having a well-dressed submissive means everyone will admire her Mistress.”

  “Truth. How about this weekend?”

  “This weekend sounds perfect.”

  May sent a grinning emoji before she returned her phone to her desk. It was time to concentrate on the paperwork she wanted to finish before leaving her accounting business for the day. She needed to hurry home, have something quick to eat, take a shower, and dress before heading to Crimson Rose. She reminded herself to message June, telling her best friend about the plans she made. The two had established keeping each other informed when May visited the club for the first time. Neither wanted to change the plan at this time.

  Chapter Tw


  After she left work and drove home, May rushed around her kitchen. She pulled sliced ham, cheese, mayo, and a large leaf of lettuce from her refrigerator. Stacking them on whole wheat bread, May made her sandwich. Standing before the sink while she ate, May looked out into her backyard. She smiled, watching the birds, squirrels, and other animals as they flew or scampered across the yard.

  She kept the feeders filled, allowing the fauna who shared space with her to eat and play in the bird bath she kept filled. Living in the south meant it was warm enough year round to give her enough scenes in her yard to keep her happy.

  May glanced at the clock. When she noticed how long she stood there eating and watching the activity in her yard, May shook her head. “Shit. I need to hurry.” Crossing her home, May shed her clothing as she walked. As she passed the hamper near her bathroom, she dropped the business clothing she wore to work in it. She had enough suits to last the week without having to do laundry until the weekend. Now, if she purchased enough outfits to wear when she visited Crimson Rose, she'd stop worrying about wearing the same one she wore the first time.

  Although it appeared Catherine enjoyed seeing May dressed in her boots, skirt, and tight top.

  Stepping into the shower after the water heated, May didn't waste time feeling the luxury of having the shower pour its water over her. However, she didn't hold back as she burst into song, filling her bathroom with the rock songs playing through her mind.

  Keeping to the pleasure she felt at singing at the top of her lungs, May finished her shower, dried off, and dressed in the outfit Catherine asked May to wear. Her singing continued as she locked her home and climbed into her Camry. Driving along the streets of the town, May watched the buildings and people who walked along the sidewalks until she left her own building behind.

  May's singing didn't end until she pulled into the parking area set aside at Crimson Rose. Stepping out, May leaned against the front of her car. She needed to call June. Telling each other what they planned was something the two agreed to when they agreed to join someone for a date. In May's case, it was something she agreed to when she visited Crimson Rose.

  “Hey. I'm at Crimson Rose. Catherine asked me to visit tonight.”

  “All right. I'm surprised at you, going to the club on a weekday. You've kept to your Friday or weekend schedule. Should I be concerned I'm losing my best friend to her kinky desires?”

  Laughing, May shook her head. “No. We've been together for years. I'll never turn away from my best friend. I don't know what to say, except I needed to get away from work. Coming here tonight sounded as if this would help.”

  “I understand, May. Okay. I'll talk to you tomorrow. You better answer your phone no matter what you're doing.”

  May smiled, watching the others who stepped inside the main building. “I promise. Have a good night, June.”

  “Yeah. You too.”

  Shoving her phone into her clutch, May stepped away from where she rested her buttocks against the front of her car. Her stride increased the closer she came to the entrance. She was eager to step inside and find Catherine, unless her Mistress was the person guarding the door. May hoped this wasn't the case, because she didn't want to sit around waiting for Catherine to find her to show what her Mistress wanted to do together.

  After waiting at the end of the line, May talked with the woman who greeted her when it was her turn to receive the wristbands telling everyone what May was interested in doing. She expected Catherine to claim her once May stepped inside after leaving the first room.

  Pulling open the door once the bands were locked around her wrist, May stepped to the side. She heard the door click into place behind her as she looked around to take in the sights. It didn't surprise her to hear the sounds of those who wanted to play in a scene. The crack of toys striking flesh, the moans, gasps, and cries filled with pleasure. Soft instrumental, rock, and new age music drifting outwards from other areas without the volume being high enough to annoy those who wanted to speak with one another.

  Remembering the rule of how there was only one alcoholic drink allowed, May shook her head while she fingered the white band she was given to signal being new to the scene. She noticed how the greeter added new colors. There was a red one to tell people May was in a submissive relationship with another member. A black band helped those who noticed her understand she was interested in bondage.

  May looked at the woman who appeared before her. This wasn't the first time Mistress Briana did this. May wondered if the owner of Crimson Rose knew about the secrets May kept to herself. It wasn't normal for someone to move with silence the way Mistress Briana did. Or May's distraction helped Mistress Briana surprise her.


  May nodded, showing respect to the powerful woman. “Mistress Briana. Good evening.”

  “Evening. I'm glad you agreed to come tonight. We're having a special gathering which I think you'll enjoy.”

  “You are? Will I? Why do you believe this?”

  “Because I've watched you. I've been Catherine's domme for half a year, so I know she wouldn't be interested in someone who bores her.”

  May smiled while she stared at the woman standing close to her. The usual crimson leather covered Briana's body. With the pale skin and red hair the owner had, May continued to feel the lust she experienced the first time she met the owner of Crimson Rose. “You know it's creepy, right? Telling me you're watching me. Speaking of Mistress Catherine, where is she?”

  Briana shrugged, making the red leather around her breasts press against them. “It might be creepy, but I watch everyone new to my club. I have to make sure they are kept safe. I'm sure you remember the rules. Catherine will find you soon. I have her finishing something for our gathering.”

  May nodded again. “Right. Safe, sane, and consensual. I won't forget the rules.”

  “Good. I expect you won't, unless you want Catherine annoyed with you. She's teaching your class, so she'll be disappointed if her student and submissive forgot the three important rules.”

  May smiled at Briana. The owner of Crimson Rose wasn't wrong about how disappointed Catherine would be with a student in her class and her submissive. “You're right. I'm sure you know our next class is this weekend. I'm thinking Mistress Catherine might test me to learn if I remember the rules and what we learned last week.” May shrugged as she laughed. “If I fail, I'm sure I'll be punished.”

  Briana's amused laughter joined May's. “You're right, I know the schedules of the classes taught here and who are teaching them. Yes, I'm sure you will be tested. I'm also sure you'll enjoy the punishment. Am I wrong?”

  “You're not.” May grinned, knowing the sneaky woman who owned the club understood her members. “You've met many people, which means you understand them. You
might know more about themselves than they do.”

  “True.” May watched Briana look at Catherine, seeing her leave the back area of the club and stride towards where the two important women in her life stood talking with one another. “There you are. I was keeping May company until you finished what I requested you handle.”

  “I noticed, Mistress Briana.” Catherine butted her hip against May's as the two smiled and greeted one another. “How are you, May-Flower?”

  “I'm good. But my curiosity about why you invited me to come to Crimson Rose tonight is overwhelming. I'm concerned your plans will shock me.”

  Sharing delighted laughter, Briana and Catherine looked at each other before they returned to watching May. Briana gestured, giving Catherine permission to share a teaser of their plans with her submissive. Reaching over to place her hand on May's back without touching May's buttocks, Catherine stroked her hand over the area after she received May's permission.

  “Mistress Briana decided she wanted to host a kinky masquerade. I wanted you to join us. Wearing the masks and dressing in the outfit I hope you'd agree to wear means you get to keep your anonymity. We'll mingle with the others. Talk. Dance. This will give the doms and dommes a chance to play with their submissives.”

  “A masquerade?” May said, her words filled with surprise. Running her hand along Catherine's arm, she looked at the two to see how they waited for her reaction. May's interest in the event grew the longer she thought about it. She saw how worried Mistress Briana and Mistress Catherine appeared when they mentioned their idea. “I love it. Everyone will be equal once they're masked.”

  Standing together to talk with each other for a while longer, May listened to the banter between Briana and Catherine. The two had been around each other long enough to form inside jokes and conversations. May joined in when she had something to say, but most of the time she kept her silence. While May stood with Catherine, she smiled as she continued to glide her hand over Catherine's arm. May felt how Catherine touched her with a light touch, stroking her hand over May's spine.