Crimson Rose 2 Read online

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  “I can hear the snorts you keep doing as you hold in your laughter. If you release your mirth, I think I deserve a chance to punish you. It's your fault I look like I'm a teenager or in my twenties.” Catherine looked at May, giving her submissive a steady stare, which made it hard for May to focus on driving.

  Hearing what Catherine said, the restraint May held inside shattered. Her laughter filled the interior of her Camry. With the way her eyes watered as she laughed, driving became harder, but May's memory of how to reach her office helped keep the two safe. May lost track on how long her laughter filled the Camry, but it went on long enough for them to reach the parking lot outside the building where May rented office space.

  After she swiped the tears of laughter from her blue eyes, May snorted and giggled as she gained control over her feelings. She laughed again, seeing how Catherine watched her submissive with the same amusement May felt.

  “Fine. But not until after my time limit for working today ends.”

  “All right. Fair enough.” Catherine nodded, agreeing with May's request.

  The same sounds continued to escape from May as she released the seat belt and climbed from her Camry. Once Catherine freed herself from the car, the two walked next to each other into the building to reach May's office.

  Upon reaching the inside, May hurried to grab the papers, files, and everything she needed to work from home over the next four or five hours. May smiled, seeing the rose Catherine left for her when her domme invited her to the masquerade.

  “Mistress?” May strengthened her voice, wanting Catherine to hear what she shouted as Catherine waited for her in the outer room. Before she finished what she wanted to say, May noticed her domme pause in the doorway.

  “What's wrong, May-Flower?”

  “Nothing. I wanted to say thank you for the rose.” The two looked at the flower as they smiled at one another. Reaching out, May grasped the vase she placed the rose into when Catherine left it for her. “I don't want to leave it here when there's no one to keep it alive. Will you carry it and keep it safe as we return to my home?”

  Stepping further into the room, Catherine removed the vase from May's grasp. “You're welcome. I'll give you roses or other gifts when I desire to do so.”

  “Catherine. Mistress. I. Okay.” May peered at what she held, using it to hide her wide smile and the faint pink which bloomed in her cheek because of Catherine's words.

  “Look at me, May-Flower!” Catherine's words sharpened, causing May to do what her domme requested. “I enjoy seeing your reactions. Please don't hide them from me, okay?”

  “All right.” May nodded. “Anyhow, I have what I need so we can leave.”

  “Good. I need breakfast. We agreed this was something we wanted, but we arrived at your office before we ate.”

  “Shit. You're right. Sorry. It's habit, coming here.”

  “I understand. I'm not blaming you.”

  Crossing the room, May joined Catherine, and the two walked together. After she closed the door leading into her business and locked it, May left a note on it telling people they could contact her by calling her, but she was away from her office until Monday.

  Stepping away, May curled her fingers with Catherine's. They hurried through the building and to the Camry parked outside. After securing their seat belts, May drummed her fingers on the steering wheel as she stared out the windshield.

  “Is there a problem?”

  “I'm not sure where we can go. This is a small town, which means someone will notice us eating together. It'll spread gossip. Remember, I have a mother who enjoys gossiping with the other members of her group.”

  “I understand. May-Flower, we can go wherever you're comfortable. I want you to keep one thing in mind.”


  “No matter what happens, someone will notice us spending time together.”

  May frowned, fighting with the sudden nerves she experienced when she realized having breakfast with Catherine meant gossip would spread once someone noticed the two together. “Okay. You know what? Fuck it. I need to own it. I'm an adult. I'm the owner of my accounting business. If I want to spend time with someone I enjoy being with, it's my decision!”

  “It is. But I don't want you to do anything which upsets you.”

  “It'll happen no matter what. Gossip is the largest product traded around our town.”

  With her decision made, May started her Camry and drove to the cafe located close to the building where she ran her accounting business. Stepping out after she parked, the two released their seat belts, and May entwined her hand with Catherine's. Walking together, the two stepped inside.

  “June's here.” May stared across the cafe, seeing her best friend sitting alone at a booth. “Do you want to meet her? She's been worried about me going to Crimson Rose.”

  “Sure. If you're comfortable introducing me to your best friend.”

  After telling the server they didn't need a table, May gave Catherine's hand a light squeeze. May guided Catherine towards the table where June sat. With brown hair falling below her shoulders, darker brown skin, and brown eyes, June's appearance matched the month she was named after. It was like the early summer sun touched the woman and turned June into a brown version of itself.

  “Junie!” May grinned at her best friend, having shouted June's name to get her attention.

  Pulling her sunglasses from where they rested, June smiled as she stared at May. Her joyous expression dimmed a little upon noticing the pale woman who stood next to May. However, June's joy returned within seconds as May slid into the booth with Catherine at her side. “I didn't expect you to come here. You live by your schedules, which means you should be at work.”

  “True. But I'm taking the day off.”

  June's smile grew as she shook her head. “I can't believe it. May is breaking her routine? You've been doing this often since you visited Crimson Rose.” June looked at Catherine, who smiled as she watched the two interact. “If the stranger sitting next to you is someone you met there, I can understand why.”

  “Shit. My apologies. Catherine, this is June. June, this is Catherine.”

  “You're the Catherine I've heard so much about? Now I understand why May has been neglecting me.”

  “I haven't! She's lying!” May grinned before giving Catherine's hand another squeeze, having kept hold of it as the two joined June at the booth she claimed for herself.

  Looking over the menu, May listened to the conversation happening between the two important people in her life. It appeared June interrogated Catherine: The probing questions about how she treated May. What plans she had while with May. What Catherine did for an income. The other questions friends or parents asked when they wanted to learn about a person continued as May decided what she wanted for breakfast. She hid her smile behind the laminated menu, but her amusement at how the two interacted kept it in place.

  “I'm having a breakfast sampler.” May's words caused the women seated with her to look at her. Catherine's half-smile formed the longer she looked at May. June's soft laughter and how she shook her head in amusement at how her best friend acted added to the scene. “What are you having? Don't tell me, neither of you looked at the menu yet. I think it's time you did, yes? You've talked about me long enough!”

  Sharing another round of gazes, Catherine nodded at June, who did the same. Having the two in agreement wasn't something May was sure she wanted. It was better than having the two snipe at each other or treat each other with disdain.

  “I ordered my usual before you arrived.”

  May grinned before she placed her menu down. She nodded, agreeing to the offer of coffee as the waitress arrived with the pot. “Right. Your chocolate chip pancake addiction.”

  “You know it. What do you want me to say? I crave chocolate and having it in pancakes is wonderful.”

  “They have a sausage and egg breakfast burrito. I want two.”

  As the waitress walked away after taking t
heir order and filling Catherine's cup with coffee, May shared a gaze with June before the two burst into laughter. May noticed how Catherine watched the two best friends, waiting for either to share the reason her decision caused them to react the way they did. When May's amusement eased, she ran her hand along Catherine's thigh.

  “Sorry. July orders the same meal each time the twelve of us get together. Hearing you order her favorite reminded us of what she does.”

  Placing her hand on May's as her submissive stroked her thigh, Catherine nodded. “I understand. Tell me more about July and the others you're friends with.”

  “You know the comments about a redhead? July matches them. Anyone who upsets her learns it isn't a good idea to anger July. She'd teach them the error they made.”

  “Mistress Briana sounds the same. I know how redheads react when faced with something which upsets them.” Catherine stroked her hand over the backside of May's, and may was glad for the connection the two shared under the table.

  May nodded. “True. I think Mistress Briana shares July's personality. I wonder what might happen if the two met. I'd think July would be an incredible domme. There's nothing submissive about her, but it would amuse me to watch her receive the training a submissive does. I remember how you told me most of the doms and dommes at Crimson Rose have to experience this.”

  June gaped at the two, listening to the conversation. “Are you serious? July wouldn't agree to such a thing!”

  Playing with Catherine's leg as the two sat together, May noticed the gaze June continued to give her. It appeared June wanted to say something more, but she kept her thoughts to herself. For now. “I know. But it would interest me to watch. Anyhow, let's change the subject. When are you going to come to Crimson Rose? I keep asking, but you're not giving me the answer I want.” May winced, seeing how June sighed. May knew she wanted her best friend to understand why May was interested in the club built on the outskirts of their small town.

  “I'm thinking about it, okay? It's not something I'm rushing into. Give me time to decide.”

  “Fair enough. My apologies if I've upset you, Junie.”

  Shaking her head, June said, “You haven't. All I'm asking is for time to think about what I want to do.”

  Slipping into less intense talk as their meals arrived, the three ate together. Without thinking about it, May shared a portion of her sampler with Catherine. When her Mistress repeated the gesture, May made a happy sound as she ate what Catherine offered.

  “Gods. The two of you will kill me with the sweetness radiating from you. It's been a long time since I've seen May act like she was in love with someone.”

  May paused, holding her forkful of eggs before her mouth. “Love? Shit. I.. What? I mean.. Shit.” May dropped her fork to her plate and looked at Catherine, seeing the same shocked expression on her features. “Shit.”

  “Yes. Shit. Are we acting like two love-struck fools?”

  June smirked at the two seated across from her. “Yes. You didn't know, did you?”


  “What May-Flower said.”

  June's smile grew as she continued to shake her head. “See! You already have a pet name for my best friend.”

  “But... It's my submissive name.” May stared at Catherine still. “Right? This is the reason you call me May-Flower. Isn't it? Come on. Tell me this is the reason.”

  Catherine's words were a whisper when she said, “I don't know.”


  Both looked at June, feeling the sting as she reached over to tap their foreheads to get their attention. “Stop it. Loving someone is a grand thing. Don't ruin the relationship you're building with each other. I'm not sorry I mentioned what I'm seeing. If I found someone to love or care for me the way it appears the two of you do, I'd be the happiest person alive! Don't fuck this up.”

  “Okay. Gods, Junie. Don't channel July!”

  “Or channel Mistress Briana's personality.”

  Sharing another round of gazes with each other, the three grinned. Wanting to return to their meal after the intense conversation, the women seated together slipped into small talk.

  Standing when they finished their breakfast, May pulled June into a hug and enjoyed having her best friend repeat the gesture. May agreed to keep in contact when June insisted upon it. When the two were alone, May reached out to entwine her hand with Catherine's before they left the diner and returned to May's home.

  Chapter Eigh


  Stepping into her home, May smiled as she heard Catherine remind her about the rule of being naked while the two were alone. It didn't take long for May to follow through on the request. The desire she felt each time Catherine asked her to do something rushed through her, but May kept it at bay by striding towards the table where she would work for the next few hours.

  Swaying her hips, May's laughter filled her living room as she teased her Mistress. Setting her laptop in place, May pulled a chair free from where it was pushed against the table. Before she lost herself in her work, May paused when she heard Catherine speak May's name.


  “Do you have an electronic book reader? I need something to do beyond watching my submissive complete her work.”

  “There's one in my bedroom. Help yourself.” Without looking away from where she focused on the screen, May heard Catherine leave and return with the electronic reader. The presence of her domme settling on the sofa nearby caused May to swallow, ignoring the shivers of desire spreading through her, and the feelings of wanting to continue playing with Catherine.

  “May-Flower. It's time. You've been working hard for the hours we agreed upon.”

  Blinking, May looked away from the files she opened. Pulling her hands away from the keyboard, she turned her attention to where Catherine sprawled on the sofa in a relaxed pose while resting the bottom of the electronic reader on her chest.

  “It's been hours already?”

  “Yes.” Catherine's smile showed her amusement at how absorbed May lost herself in her work.

  Standing, May stretched as she kept her gaze on Catherine. The smirk which spread over May's features and the delight which filled her blue eyes made it clear May's thoughts turned towards what Catherine planned for the afternoon.

  “All right. What do you want from your submissive?”

  “Come here, May-Flower. I want to loosen your muscles. You've sat for hours without taking a break. I'll tell you what I want to do next once I'm sure there's no lingering effects from sitting for so long.”

  “Okay.” Crossing the room, May joined Catherine on the sofa. This time she didn't have to be told to lie along the length. The last time Catherine massaged her taught May how her domme wanted her submissive. “Did you enjoy the stories?”

  Working her fingers over May's arms, back, and legs after she moved to access May's body, Catherine smiled. “I did. I'm not surprised you have a library of women loving women stories. There are ones I didn't know about. I plan to purchasing them for my collection. I downloaded new ones for you to enjoy.”

  With her head turned to the side, May soaked in the pressure Catherine used to massage her. “You did? I'll look at them the next time I read before falling asleep.”

  “Good. I'd like to hear your thoughts about them.”

  When Catherine finished, May lay on her sofa long enough to enjoy how loose her muscles felt. She kept her eyes closed and controlled her breathing while Catherine finished cleaning her hands of the cream she used.

  “All right, May-Flower. It's time for your lessons. Return to your kneeling position. You're to stay kept this for an hour. Lets make this a rule. Each day you'll practice this for an hour.”

  Sliding from the sofa, May settled on the floor. She spread her legs and placed her hands on her thighs. This time it felt different. The feeling of having her pussy shaved added to the sensation and the dominance Catherine wanted May to experience. Resting at Catherine's feet, May felt her domme play wit
h May's blond strands.

  After an hour passed, Catherine pulled her hand away from the tresses she played with. Standing, she reached down for May to take her hands. Catherine helped May to her feet, making sure her submissive didn't fall to the floor after holding her kneeling position for so long. “You did good, May-Flower. This time you didn't have to use the safe words.”

  “You're right! I'm getting better at kneeling.” May paused, hearing what she said. Shaking her head, May grinned at Catherine as her domme laughed at her. “Shit. I never thought I'd say those words.”

  “I'm sure. All right. My plans for what remains of the afternoon and early evening is you relax on the sofa. Read something while I cook dinner. When we're done, we'll dress and return to Crimson Rose. We have class tonight.”

  “Okay.” May retrieved the electronic reader from where Catherine set it on the sofa. Resting on the sofa wearing nothing was a new sensation. May felt the soft fabric brush over her skin. Each time she moved, the sensation strengthened her desire to have Catherine give May what she craved.

  Whatever Catherine cooked, it smelled wonderful. The garlic, cayenne, and other spices and seasonings Catherine used on the chicken permeated the house. Somehow Catherine found a package of brown rice stored in May's pantry, which May didn't remember having. The smell of the rice being prepared and whatever Catherine added to flavor it added to May's interest in the meal.

  “This looks wonderful.” May gazed at the plate filled with rice and the chicken breast resting on top. The crusted herbal mixture Catherine created to cover the meat made it hard for May to wait to sit and taste everything.

  Smiling at her submissive with a wide happy expression, Catherine pulled out a chair placed next to where she would sit. “Thank you. All right. Let's see. I want May-Flower to sit next to me.”


  “You'll see. Come on, May. I'm waiting.”

  Watching her domme, May shrugged. Moving, she sat before Catherine did the same, putting the two next to each other. “This feel strange. Being naked sitting next to you while eating.” May shook her head while enjoying the meal Catherine cooked.