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Crimson Rose 2 Page 6

  “I'm sure it does. This is how I felt when Mistress Briana did this to me. It'll be second nature to you soon. I'll stop if you tell me you're uncomfortable with being naked in your home.”

  “No. I'm okay with it, but it feels strange.”

  “All right. I expect you to tell me if you no longer enjoy what I'm doing with you.”

  After eating and working together to clean everything, Catherine followed May into the bedroom. They needed to dress and return to Crimson Rose. Standing in her bedroom, May stared at the clothing inside her closet. She heard Catherine moving around the bedroom, looking through the clothing stored in May's dresser.

  The same problem May had when she visited Crimson Rose for the first time returned. Neither May nor Catherine found clothing for May to wear except for the outfit May choose after she struggled to find something the night she explored the club. After spending days wearing nothing unless she left her home, May was used to being naked.

  Although she was naked, the shivers May experienced while Catherine kept her naked hadn't ended. The desire and lust May felt at submitting to Mistress Catherine kept May's emotions heightened.

  She was eager to feel these wonderful sensations.

  “See. I told you. I don't have an outfit to wear except for the one I have been.”

  “After looking through your clothing, I believe you.” Catherine shook her head in frustration as she smiled. Finding clothing for May to wear needed to be something the two had to fix, but there wasn't time to do it tonight. “All right. It's okay if you wear your usual. I want you to be comfortable while at class. There is one change I'd prefer. Wear the boots I purchased for you.”

  “Good. Thank you, Mistress Catherine.” May grinned as she shrugged. She warned Catherine about how her closet was filled with work clothes and the normal clothing people wore when they left their home. Clubbing clothing or outfits to wear to a bondage club was not something most people stored in their dresser and closet. “Dress me?” May looked at Catherine, offering the suggestion without making it sound like she was commanding her domme.

  May watched everything Catherine did after she crossed the bedroom to reach her submissive. The touches May felt as Catherine dressed her added to her need and to the shivers which spread through her without a conscious thought. Those touches, having Catherine standing close to her, and the woman herself caused May to react to being with her Mistress.

  After spending two days learning more about what Catherine wanted from her, May couldn't stop herself from responding to her domme.

  “Each time you shiver, gasp, moan, or make another sound or react to what I'm doing with you makes me want to continue our scenes together.”

  “I know. But we have to hurry. You have a class to teach, and I have more to learn. Mistress Briana will punish us if we disappoint her. We gave her our word we'd return to Crimson Rose tonight.”

  “You're right, but these two days have been wonderful.”

  May sat at the edge of her bed, watching Catherine slide a boot she bought for May onto May's foot and over her leg. “I know. We'll return to my training once class is over. Unless you have plans? I understand you might need to return to your home or handle the things you've neglected while you've been with me.”

  “No. I'm good. We'll return here tonight.” Catherine worked the other boot into place before sliding the black pleated skirt up May's legs and securing it around her waist. Last came the black crop top, which completed May's outfit. “One thing we're doing this weekend is clothing shopping.”

  Bursting into laughter from where she stood after Catherine finished dressing her, May nodded. “Good. I need the help and having my domme help me choose what she wants her submissive to wear is exciting.” May paused, realizing this time Catherine changed the outfit May wore each time she visited Crimson Rose. Her domme made sure May left her home wearing no panties. “Did you forget something?”

  “No.” Catherine grinned. “I did not. I didn't want May-Flower to wear panties. I hope it'll remind her what she's been doing for days when I requested she remain naked while in her home.”

  “Right.” May tugged on the skirt and fingered the edge in nervousness. After she took a deep breath while she stared at Catherine, May nodded. “All right. I will not change what you decided.” She stepped towards Catherine, clearing the slight distance between them. Reaching out, May pressed her hands against Mistress Catherine's lower back as she kissed the woman who continued to show her amazing things and push May's limits to help her learn about herself.

  After kissing each other and losing themselves in the sensations, Catherine pulled away. May gasped as she felt the light swat on her butt, causing her to stare at Catherine with frustration. Taking May's hand in apology, the two strode out the bedroom and rushed from May's home after May collected her keys. Once she locked her home, they climbed into the Camry and drove towards Crimson Rose.



  After Catherine secured the bands around May's wrist to show everyone what May was interested in, the two made their way through the rooms inside Crimson Rose. May and Catherine stopped when Mistress Briana entered the room and strode towards them.

  “Did you two enjoy each other?” Briana's smile grew the longer she looked at them.

  “We did, Mistress.”

  “Good. I'm glad. What about you, May?”

  “Yes. I've enjoyed myself. Mistress Catherine is a good teacher.” May paused, looking at Catherine. May wanted to make sure what she said next was something Catherine wanted the owner of Crimson Rose to know. When she received a smile and a gesture, May answered. “Mistress Catherine has been teaching me how she wants me to kneel. She's helping me learn more about myself by keeping me naked.”

  Laughing, Mistress Briana filled the space where the three stood together with her amusement. “I loved doing both with Catherine. It's good to learn she remembered her lessons. I won't keep you long, but I wanted to make sure there weren't any problems between you.”

  “No, Mistress. May is an eager submissive. She knows her limits, although I've pushed them sometimes.”

  “What Mistress Catherine said. She's a good teacher. I can't complain about anything.”

  “All right. Off you go. Enjoy your class tonight.”

  Walking away from Mistress Briana, the two returned to the room Catherine used last week for their class. May sat on the table, swinging her legs back and forth as she watched Catherine prepare for the lessons she wanted to teach to the students who agreed to learn from her on Friday nights. May smiled, remembering how she did the same thing last week when she sat on this same table. The nervousness she felt last week was still there, but it wasn't as strong as it was the last time.

  Being around Catherine and having the lessons her domme worked with her to experience helped ease May's nerves. The different items Catherine selected for tonight's class didn't make those feelings disappear because May was sure Catherine wanted her submissive to be the model who experienced the toys chosen.

  Admiring Catherine after she changed into the red leather with the white collar caused May to ignore everyone else at Crimson Rose. The gossip about the new member and how she was connected with Mistress Catherine and Mistress Briana meant those who spoke to her last week or were interested in learning more about what May wanted kept their distance.

  She ran her hands along her thighs, feeling her desire for Catherine spread through her again. May heard the conversations happening around them. The sounds of doms and dommes enjoying time with their submissives added to the atmosphere. Moans. Gasps. Toys striking the flesh and body parts of those restrained or left to stay near the men and women who dominated those who agreed to submit. Soft music coming from the areas where Mistress Briana wanted the members to relax or enjoy the private time they claimed for themselves.

  May smiled at six women who agreed to the class Mistress Catherine taught for those new to the scene or who wanted to expand their interests
and knowledge. Sliding from the top of the table, May joined them. Falling into the conversation they shared, May listened and contributed when she had something to say.

  The sounds of Catherine clapping her hands to gain their attention, May focused on her teacher. She smiled, seeing how Catherine noticed the group sitting together without their egos getting in the way.

  “All right, ladies. Let's bring it in. We're having our second lesson of the six-week class. Last week I introduced you to bondage, submission, and everything which happens at Crimson Rose. I'm sure you remember how I showed you simple ways to restrain someone. I also introduced you to the best way to spank someone. May was the perfect model for both.” Catherine smiled at her submissive, causing May to shake her head and make a frustrated gesture at the woman standing before them. “I plan on having her model for me tonight.”

  “She's in trouble again.” “It appears May might be the teachers pet.” This one caused May to look away while her cheeks filled with a light pink. May noticed how the words caused Catherine to grin at her submissive. “I want to be the one chosen to model!”

  “Let's settle down.” Moving to where she placed the toys she wanted to show her students, Catherine held her hand towards where May sat and watched. Rising to her feet, May stopped when everyone in the room looked at the newcomer who stepped inside.

  “I'm sorry I'm late. I arrived late and the greeter at the door wouldn't allow me inside until I completed the paperwork and receive the wristbands.”

  “Junie!” May's shout erupted from her before she stopped it. She didn't expect her best friend to arrive at Crimson Rose and join the classes. Five shocked sounds rolled from the others sitting nearby. The drama playing out in the room drew their attention and their reactions.

  “Welcome, June. Please join the others.”

  May turned away from her best friend as June crossed the room and sat. May shrugged and smiled in apology as she remembered Catherine still held her hand out. Grasping it, she moved where Catherine guided her. May drew in a deep breath as she stood next to Catherine. Having June watching everything caused May's tension to return, but she'd do what Catherine needed from her.

  “Are you okay?”

  Thinking about the question, May looked into Catherine's pale eyes. “Yes. Seeing Junie here surprised me, but I'm okay.”

  May breathed out in relief, seeing how Catherine dropped the topic. Catherine lifted handcuffs from where she placed them and secured them around May's wrists after asking May to place her arms behind her.

  “As you can see, I'm teaching May how it feels to be restrained. It's your turn to experience this. Find a partner, ladies. Once you do, work out the safe word you want to use if you're overwhelmed. Share it with each other to make sure your partner knows it's time to end the session. Once you decide who is the first to be cuffed, come take one and secure your submissive's arms behind her. We'll continue the lessons after both experience how it feels to be restrained with cuffs.”

  May stood in place, watching Catherine move among the women who treated the class with the seriousness it deserved. The safety at being Catherine's submissive spread through May the longer she watched her Mistress make sure no one was harmed. May frowned, watching Catherine pause when she noticed June sitting by herself. Having seven people in class changed the dynamics. Seconds later, Catherine turned to where she left her submissive, looking into May's blue eyes.

  “June doesn't have a partner. I want to include her, which means I need to be the one who does this.”

  May nodded, knowing what Catherine meant and how she'd insult her domme if May acted on her jealousy. “All right, Mistress.”

  “June? Come here. I'll be your partner.”

  “But you're May's.”

  “If you don't agree, I'll free May and the two of you can be partners. But I know enough about May to know she'd struggle with being your partner.”

  Standing from she sat earlier, June joined May and Catherine. May swallowed, feeling the metal lock around her wrists. Having been told many times about the rules and the safe words, May showed she listened to the women who spoke about them. She looked at Catherine with a grin and said, “Yellow paused everything. Red stops everything. Junie needs to remember both.”

  Tugging on the cuffs, June nodded as she smiled a hesitant smile. “Okay. I will. Don't worry.”

  Standing next to her best friend, June glanced around to watch the others experience what she did. May did the same while she slipped into small talk to help ease June's nervousness. Both breathed easier when Catherine released them once she spent time with the others to make sure they had a wonderful experience.

  “Our next lesson is one I showed you last week. Come grab a paddle. You will give your partner four swats, two on each cheek enough to turn their skin pink. I'll be watching, which means I won't permit someone to break my rule of harming each other on purpose. Remember. Safe, sane, and consensual. Go on, enjoy each other.”

  Catherine turned, looking at the two who stared at her with wide eyes and a gaze filled with desire. The first was June's while the second was May's. “Come here, June. I'll be gentle.”

  “Shit. All right. What about May? Doesn't she get spanked?”

  “I did it last week. Unless you want to experience it again, May?”

  May grinned. “Not tonight, Mistress. June needs your attention.” She knew Catherine would show her many things the longer they were together. Those who took this beginning class wouldn't experience the things May would as Catherine showed May what her Mistress wanted from her submissive.

  “Dammit. Fine.” June shot May a look of frustration.

  Watching the two who were strangers still, May enjoyed how Catherine guided Junie with soft words to accept the swats of the paddle on her buttocks. The sudden yelps coming from her best friend caused laughter to burst from May, which caused the two to look at her. One with amusement and the other with frustration.

  Catherine finished the class by giving everyone homework. She explained they needed to be prepared to share their interests with the group and experience them if the interests were short enough to explore during the hours they gathered together.

  When there was no one left except May, June, and Catherine, the three looked at each other. “My home or yours, Mistress?”

  “Yours. We have plans for the weekend.”

  May nodded. “True. Okay. Junie? Is there something wrong?” May frowned, concerned for her best friend.

  June sighed, shook her head, and glanced away from the two women who stood next to each other. “No. I have something to ask, but I'm afraid to do so.”

  “What do you need, June?” Catherine's words softened again.

  “I want to know more about what you've been doing with May. Can you recommend someone to help with this?”

  “Mistress Briana. She knows how to treat those new to the scene. If she denies you, she'll know the perfect person to help you.”

  June looked at the two, having gathered her courage. “Okay. Thank you.”

  “You're welcome.”

  May smiled, feeling Catherine take her hand and squeeze it with a light touch. Before May said anything further, Catherine tugged her submissive to guide May towards the entrance. This time the two might escape without having to speak with Mistress Briana. Having June keep the owner of Crimson Rose occupied meant the two might distract Mistress Briana enough for them to leave before she found them. The two climbed into May's Camry when they hurried from the main building, filling the interior with laughter and conversation as they returned to May's home.

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